Wishing you a wonderful 2024! It’s so exciting to have new beginnings, and we have to seize this opportunity to create new habits and try new things in our lives.
I started the year a little unsure of what to expect. My kitten (only 8 months old), Kiki, was due to have kittens of her own. I was worried for her because she was so young. I was also worried for myself, what was I going to do with a litter of kittens? I need to write, work and take care of my daughter… I imagined hungry kittens meowing for their mother’s milk, keeping me up at night, and making a mess.
On January 6, which is the magical day of the Three Kings here in Spain (a special holiday like Christmas where children are given gifts), Kiki was snuggled in a cosy kitten bed. Suddenly, she let out a big meow. “I think she’s going into labour,” I said to my daughter. Then I looked in the bed and I was surprised to see that Kiki had already given birth to one kitten. Within moments the placenta came out, which Kiki ate immediately, and then busied herself licking her kitten to clean it. I must say I was hugely relieved that she did not have a big litter. One kitten was perfect!
Watching Kiki with the birthing process, I was so amazed how she knew exactly what to do. As does her little kitten. The little kitten immediately started nursing well, following the scent of her mother’s milk even though he/she couldn’t see.
We have to remember that we are animals too, and we are naturally gifted with strong instincts. Our own experience of parenting can be very instinctual, we just KNOW certain things about our child’s needs. Also, think back to certain situations where you just FELT something had to be a certain way, and you were right.
I urge you to tap into that primal instinct with your writing. If you feel a calling to write on a certain subject or write in a certain way, please do it. Tap into your inner callings and express them on the page.
I have an exciting interview series that is launching shortly. It is called “Insights”. I recently interviewed Blake Kendall who is an extremely talented poet who has written his first book, the true story of his family history. It’s exceptional. He said he wrote the whole book in a trance.
I challenge you to play with this idea in your writing. Lose yourself in your writing, find yourself in your stories, and see what comes forth.
I take the opportunity to announce that a biography I wrote has just become available on Amazon Kindle for the first time. Please follow this link via Goodreads for LJ Hooker The Man. It’s a fascinating true story, a real-life rags to riches, which highlights the importance of persistence and following your instincts. This remarkable book with stunning photography throughout shows the development of a nation, and is just $2.99 or free if you have Kindle Unlimited.