Alaya Books Insights is pleased to present an interview with Jolinda Johnson, the powerhouse behind “Resilience: 10 Ways to Recover from Burnout and Exhaustion,” as she shares her insights on bouncing back stronger and thriving longer. This award-winning Certified Life Coach, Holistic Health Coach, and Menopause Coaching Specialist is all about empowering women in midlife to conquer burnout and emerge victorious.
In our interview, you will learn the tell-tale signs for the onset of burnout and techniques how to avoid moving to later stages. An interview that everyone can learn from, as Jolinda explains that 8 out of 10 people will suffer burnout to some degree in 2024. It’s an epidemic, and the more we know and understand about this, the better. So take a deep breath, sit back and enjoy 15 minutes to learn about an important topic that could change your life, or that of your loved ones.
A few weeks ago I interviewed Adriana Barba and she shared about her forthcoming book, “The Transcendental Entrepreneur”. Adriana certainly got me thinking about my well-being. Then, since this interview with Jolinda, my mind has truly been in the mode of, ‘Am I taking care of myself?’ I try to eat well, I do regular yoga, but in the interview with Jolinda I learnt that there are other factors that I need to be aware of, to take care of myself better.
Ask yourself:
Do you have trouble winding down at night?
Do you binge on sugar or need coffee to get through the day?
Do you take a moment to breathe?
Do you make time to be in nature?
Do you exercise regularly?
For me, I do have trouble winding down, I feel a need for sugar, and I rarely stop to breathe during the day…. These are signs of stress, and stress can hamper our creativity.
So thanks to this wonderful and informative interview, I have booked myself for a two-day retreat in the forest in early May. It’s something I have had on my list of things to do for over a year, but finally, I am taking the plunge. I will take my small daughter, and we can relax together.
How can you better take care of yourself? After listening to the interview, take a moment to write your goals for your well-being. What have you been putting off for a long time that you can start doing NOW?
Jolinda Johnson (M.S.Ed., CHHC), is originally from Detroit, Michigan and earned her B.A. from Columbia University in New York City. Jolinda is an Executive Contributor to Brainz Magazine and was the recipient of the Beautiful You Coaching Academy CEO Shine Award in 2021. Listen to the interview here.